Elder Joseph W. Schindler -- The Czech Republic

I have created a blog to make it easier to share information about Joseph and his mission to the Czech Republic. I hope you enjoy Joseph's experiences and reflections as much as we do!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Letter dated March 29, 2010

Letter dated March 29, 2010

[Here is the letter we received from Joseph yesterday. I am setting up a blog so we can share Joseph's pictures -- as soon as he sends some! If you want to send Joseph a note, simply respond to this note and I will get the note to Joseph! Thank you so much for your love and support of Joseph!
Joseph's editor - BWS]

Hello everybody,

I am still alive and well here in the beautiful Czech Republic. The weather is warming up and has been wonderful. It has started raining a lot, and it is great to see everything without piles of snow. We have started talking to people in parks now because of the nice weather. It is actually a lot of fun to contact people in a park because it is a nice place to be, people tend to have time to talk, and we have really had a lot of luck with finding people who are receptive to our message.

Today, for P-day [Editor note: This is Joseph's Preparation Day - which is Monday morning and afternoon], we are going to go around and visit some of the Easter markets here in Prague. We have seen them for almost two weeks and finally have time to go visit them and see what they have to offer. We are going to buy our whips for the day after Easter today. (I will explain more about their purpose next week, but in the mean time, feel free to look up what they are used for in the Czech Republic. If you do, do not worry. President Slováček said we can use them.) [Editor's note: If I find out any information about these whips before next week, I'll pass it along!]

Dad, could you our someone else, find out how the city Alma, Michigan (the one by Mt. Pleasant) got its name? There is a member of the church here in Prague who was looking at a map of Michigan and saw the city. I think it would be neat to be able to tell him how it got its name. (For those of you who do not know, Alma is the name of tow people in the Book of Mormon. To clarify, there are two people in the Book of Mormon named Alma. They are a father and his son. We often refer to one as Alma the Elder and the other as Alma the Younger. (It is hard though because I often forget if it is the father or the son we call Alma the Elder --just kidding--Alma the Elder is the father, because he is older, ya know?). [Editor's note: If anyone has a clue how "Alma", Michigan got its name, please let me know!]

I do not have a lot of time left, so if this letter suddenly ends, or ended since I put this sentence at the end of the letter, it is because my time ran out. [Editor's note: Joseph uses the computers at the library - and only has limited time on the computer.]

Elder Joseph Schindler

p.s.- You really should look up what the willow whips are used for on the day after Easter in the Czech Republic.

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