Elder Joseph W. Schindler -- The Czech Republic

I have created a blog to make it easier to share information about Joseph and his mission to the Czech Republic. I hope you enjoy Joseph's experiences and reflections as much as we do!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Letter dated August 16, 2010

Letter dated August 16, 2010

[Dear family and friends, this is the letter we received from Joseph this morning. We're on our way to Idaho/Utah right now - I am sending this from I-80! It was fun because Joseph was online while we were driving and Weston and Joseph were able to chat via e-mail! Thank you for your love and support of our Joseph! Joseph's editor - BWS]

Dear Peoples,

I am doing well. We are still having a hard time finding levels of obvious success here in Třebíč, but it is going well.

We have our second meeting with the family from Vietnam in about an hour and a half, so we hope that will go well. It will be a little difficult because of the language barrier, but I am sure it will go well.

Irka, the girl we are teaching from Mongolia is doing well. We watched the Restoration film with her last week (in Mongolian) and she liked it. She even said that she knew it was true. We gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon in Mongolian, and committed her to read in it. We are not totally sure that she understands everything we talk about, but she likes meeting with us, and I am sure that having the Book of Mormon in her native language will be a big help.

I think I have mentioned it before, but the branch here is amazing. Everyone is very friendly and willing to help us when we need it. Yesterday, on Sunday, almost all of the families on the branch were there during Sacrament meeting and there were a ton of kids. I have not seen so many kids running around and coloring in a long time. It was good to see.

Last week, on P-day, I did have a little birthday celebration. We went on a trip over to a city called Telč and met up with the Elders from Jihlava, had lunch, and walked around for a little bit. Then they surprised me with the Happy Birthday song, and gave me a small gift (a power ball--I don't know how to describe it, but it is small, and awesome). [I think that it's an exercise ball!] Today we also went on a trip to the city were the Czech Bible was published. Unfortunately, it is closed on Mondays, and so we spent about three and a half hours on a train and waiting for a train. The worst part was that nothing was open in that city. It was kind of lame, but I got to write some letters. I like riding trains though, so I had a good time.

Well, that's about it from me. The church is true, the Book of Mormon is the Word of God, and we have a living prophet on the earth named Thomas Spencer Monson. Keep me in your prayers; you´re in mine.

S laskou,

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