Elder Joseph W. Schindler -- The Czech Republic

I have created a blog to make it easier to share information about Joseph and his mission to the Czech Republic. I hope you enjoy Joseph's experiences and reflections as much as we do!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Letter dated April 5, 2010

Letter dated April 5, 2010

[Editor's note: the Editor and his family are trying to catch up with everything after our Spring Break trip to the land of the snow and ice (Idaho, Wyoming, Utah). We're happy to be back into Spring (Michigan!). This is Joseph's letter from Monday! Thank you for all of your support for Joseph!
Sincerely, Joseph's editor! BWS]

Hello Everybody,

I am still doing very well here in Prague. The weather has cooled down a little, but we have still been able to go out without our coats, which has made us quite happy. We have both been working very hard during this past week to try and learn as much as we possibly can with Czech. I finally feel like I am learning this language and though I am still far from understanding or speaking as well as I would like, I know now that one day soon, I will be able to say everything that I need to say and be able to understand what people are saying to me.

I am also really starting to internalize what I am teaching. I am doing my best to learn everything that I possibly can about our message so that I can better share it with the people here. When I first came, I felt like I had a pretty good handle on everything, but now I know that while I know quite a lot, there is still much to learn about what I am teaching, both especially with heping people understand why what we are teaching is so important and how it really can help make their lives better.

I am still having a hard time writing these e-mails and putting in everything I want to say into words, but I hope that some people are still reading and possible enjoying these messages.

My spiritual thought today is about the set of meetings that we call General Conference. Every six months, the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hold what we call General Conference. General Conference is held in four, two hour sessions where we are able to hear from all twelve apostles, the first presidency of the church, as well as other leaders who are asked to speak to us about the things they feel the members of the church all over the world need to hear. This set of meetings happened last Saturday and Sunday, but because of the time difference here, the meetings happened during our night, and so members in the Czech Republic (including me) will be wathcing a recording of the meetings this weekend. I really love General Conference because it gives us the opportunity to hear from our leaders who are called of God to lead and guide us. These are amazing men and women with experience who can help us all better understand life. I really love General Conference and would encourage everyone who is reading this to read or listen to the talks given last weekend and to look for ways that the lessons taught can help and bless our life.

I would like to write more, but I must go (sorry this keeps happening).

Elder Joseph Schindler

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