Joseph is currently serving a 2-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Czech Republic.
Elder Joseph W. Schindler -- The Czech Republic
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thirteen Articles of Faith
Joseph's letter dated 27Sept2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Deseret News Article about Czech Republic
Church members in Czechoslovakia worked hard to survive Cold War
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PRAGUE, Czech Republic — Four decades of strong-armed Communist rule in Czechoslovakia soon after World War II forced local Czech Latter-day Saints to go underground to worship and practice their religion.
That meant secret church meetings of usually no more than six to eight people at a time in a member's apartment as well as never telling relatives — sometimes even parents or children — of one's church membership.
It meant constantly worrying about government spies and the possibility of arrest and interrogation.
It meant hiding any church literature and painstakingly writing by hand, typing out or — only in the later years — photocopying smuggled scriptures and church manuals.
In the end, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints survived — and even thrived in Czechoslovakia during the Cold War era because of clandestine nighttime baptisms in the backwoods, small copies of the Book of Mormon mistaken for Karl Marx writings and a makeshift yoga education program that doubled as a proselytizing tool.
* * *
The LDS Church's heritage in what constitutes present-day Czech Republic and Slovakia (the two nations peacefully separated in 1993) dates back to 1929, when Czechoslovakia was dedicated for missionary work by Elder John A. Widtsoe at Priests Hill near Karlstejn Castle.
The creation of the Czechoslovakia Mission followed that same year, with missionaries in the country for 10 years until having to leave at the advent of World War II. Missionaries resumed their work briefly beginning in 1946, adding new members to those war survivors who stayed put on their native soil.
Jaroslava Kaderabkova was one of the early post-war converts, as the missionaries met the 20-year-old woman and her friend in Plzen and invited them to a film about Mormon temples and eternal marriage.
"So, I learned the gospel," said Kaderabkova, now 82, of her 1949 conversion. "My girlfriend didn't accept it — she went away — and I became the third member of the Plzen branch."
That branch totaled 45 members by the end of '49. But by then, the LDS Church was already under intense scrutiny following a Communist coup in Czechoslovakia in 1948. Trying to discredit the church and its local membership, the new regime unleashed a flurry of restrictions and accusations against missionaries, leaders and believers.
Sometimes members responded bravely rather than recoil in fear. Gad Vojkuvka of Brno recalled how his father, Otokar, helped organize a large-scale church conference in a local stadium, dropping promotional leaflets from an airplane. Some 1,800 attended, but the elder Vojkuvka was arrested on trumped-up charges, had his factory seized and was imprisoned in a work camp.
In 1950, after a pair of missionaries were jailed for several weeks on charges of spying, all missionaries were forced out of the country as the Communist regime disallowed the LDS Church. An added insult: The announcement came on April 6 — on the 120th anniversary of the LDS Church's organization and during Easter Week.
Minus the missionaries, the Czech Saints lost considerable Melchizedek Priesthood leadership and organization. Also lacking was any contact with church headquarters in Utah because mail and printed materials were intercepted and either censored or simply destroyed.
The Communist government wrote letters to all Czech church members, citing their own 12th Article of Faith in honoring and obeying the law of the land.
"We were asked to promise to give up all religious activities," said Gad Vojkuvka, 66, a third-generation Latter-day Saint. "All church members had to sign it and return it. I believe my parents were the only ones who didn't sign it — I still have the letter at home."
Czech Latter-day Saints learned to worship in stealth and in silence, meeting together a handful at a time in a rotation of member apartments and on any day of the week. Thin apartment walls required messages to be spoken softly and hymns sung very quietly.
"We couldn't meet openly and publicly," Kaderabkova recalled. "We could only meet in secret, and everything was dangerous. We were taken to the police for interrogation — they wanted to make spies out of us."
She was questioned on two occasions, both times for four hours. Czech authorities considered the LDS Church and its missionaries a front for American spies, so they hoped to turn the tables and have Czech members spy for them.
Some church members fell away into inactivity after the 1950 crackdown.
"Young men went into military service, young girls got married. Many of them didn't wish to come any more," Kaderabkova said.
Yet some kept the faith and persevered, like the Vojkuvka family, with young Gad baptized in 1955. "A member dug a hole in his garden and made a great baptismal font," he said. "We baptized 25 to 30 people in that font, mostly children of members."
* * *
An already difficult situation became even worse when the 1968 Soviet invasion squelched a short-lived Czechoslovakian liberalization. Many long-standing Czech Latter-day Saints — including a good share of the local leaders — opted to immigrate west.
Those who remained needed resolve — and creativity — to continue their religious commitments.
In 1970, the Vojkuvkas were among those creating a system of yoga classes and camps as a vehicle to spread the gospel and recruit — over periods of months and years — prospective members of the church who could maintain a quiet observance of the LDS faith.
"We said to ourselves, if we can't have missionaries come here, then we will have missionaries who were born here," Gad Vojkuvka said of what became the Czech trademark of member-missionary work.
In cities throughout Czechoslovakia, the weekly "yoga class" began first with an hour of physical exercise but followed with a focus on mental and spiritual well-being.
Participants were taught about ethics, health, a journey to happiness and abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and coffee. Then came seven daily "vitamins" such as respect, gratitude, happiness and love, along with 10 rules of happiness from a man named David O. McKay.
"We talked to these people about the purpose of life," Vojkuvka said. "We were not talking about the church but about principles of the church."
Those interested in learning more were then invited to attend monthly meetings for a "School of Wisdom."
Weeklong summer yoga camps were conducted each July and August, where those from all across Czechoslovakia came together to continue to learn. Each weekly camp drew 65 to 100 people, who stayed in their own tents, recalled Josef Podlipny of Jicin.
Each day opened and closed with prayer, with additional prayers said before meals. And at the end of the camp, participants tearfully sang a song titled "God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again."
These large-group gatherings were flexible out of necessity. Leaders scuttled camp once under the guise of a bogus "hepatitis outbreak" after suspicious Communist officials became too interested. Another time, organizers lost their campsite when it was turned into a Czech national park.
* * *
For those Czechs ready to be baptized in the LDS Church at that time, there were no font, no changing rooms, no chapel, no formal services — and for many, no sunshine. Baptisms usually were done under the cloak of dead-of-night darkness, with a full moon or distant lightning a welcome light.
"There was no place to be baptized," said Marie Cankova of Prague, Canek's wife and a 1989 convert.
Her baptism was representative of so many Czech converts during those days — a 14-kilometer car ride, then a 2-kilometer walk to the lake, trying to be as quiet and unnoticeable as possible. There gathered some three-dozen people, the male baptismal candidates changing clothes behind the brush on one side and the females on another.
The baptisms were quickly performed, and converts — still in their wet clothes — walked back to the cars with the witnesses to return to the city, still hoping to avoid unwanted attention.
When Kaderabkova's husband, Jan Kaderabek, finally joined the church in 1975, a military helicopter showed up just before the baptism in a pond near Plzen, sending people scattering for cover — but not until they had thrown coats and clothes over car license plates in order to avoid identification. After hovering for 10 minutes, the helicopter finally left, and the baptism was quickly performed.
Podlipny and Podlipna enjoyed a Czech rarity — a daytime baptism, on July 15, 1987.
"I was the first member baptized at midday, because all people were at home for lunch," Podlipny said. "It was several years before the revolution, and it was really dangerous. My wife was a member of the Communist Party. We couldn't tell anybody, not even our parents."
Podlipna added, "When we came home from the yoga camp after our baptisms, we went to visit my parents. My mom said, 'You're different.' And I couldn't tell her why."
* * *
Just as creative as the yoga classes and camps were the ways the Czech members obtained — and retained — scriptures and printed religious literature during their four decades of isolation.
Such material was kept well-hidden. Some publications were either copied by hand or typewriter as to not draw suspicion.
On rare occasions, some scriptures, books and handbooks were smuggled into the country by visitors aware of the Czechs' thirst for such materials.
Manuals for priesthood holders and Relief Society members were created annually when possible — tediously rewritten page by page using typewriters and carbon paper.
When photocopying was available later, government restrictions required signed receipts acknowledging who did the copying and for what purpose, Canek said, adding that Vojkuvka eventually was in a government-trusted position where he didn't have to record copier use and was able to more quickly produce copied church material.
And then there was the Czech Book of Mormon.
"When we received our first Book of Mormon, we got one for both of us, and we were told not to talk about it and to keep it a secret," Podlipna said.
And the Czechs committed its efficient utilization. "We promised that for every Book of Mormon sent to us, that we would have one baptism," Vojkuvka said.
In the Czech language, the two-letter acronym for "Book of Mormon" is "KM."
Members inside the country and book publishers outside quickly realized that those letters could also represent the name of revolutionary communist Karl Marx — and soon pocket-sized Books of Mormon became available, bearing the "KM" title on the red-colored cover, Cankova said.
When stopped by border guards and military police, members weren't about to correct the misconception that they were toting small booklets either written by or about Marx.
* * *
Czechoslovakia's "Velvet Revolution" began in 1989, and by 1990, the country's new government had restored many freedoms, including freedom of religion. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints returned in the country in short order and in full fashion.
Key LDS Church officials involved included Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Hans B. Ringger, formerly of the Quorums of the Seventy, along with longtime local leader Jiri Snedefler. The latter risked his life during a time when known religious leaders were imprisoned or executed by agreeing to serve as the Czechoslovakian representative required to push through church-recognition papers, which took nearly three years.
In February 1990, Czech deputy prime minister Joseph Hromadka met with the LDS leaders and promised full recognition for the LDS Church — not as a new church but as one that had been established 60 years earlier.
At the time of recognition, the LDS Church counted six branches and some 200 members residing in Czechoslovakia. Missionaries could return, and LDS members could worship freely and speak openly about their beliefs.
Heading up the new Czechoslovakia Prague Mission formed several months later was President Richard W. Winder, one of the same missionaries forced out in 1939 before World War II.
Podlipna remember her first two acts with the newfound freedom — to denounce her membership in the Communist Party and to tell her mother of her LDS membership.
"We wanted to tell people about the church, but nobody responded," recalled Stephan Lendel, a 1991 LDS convert who now serves as a district president in Jicin. "Some did later, but nobody really wished to hear about it."
Hynec Renza, a 15-year convert from Prague, summed up the ironies about religion and beliefs following the newfound freedoms, saying the Czech people struggle with authority and organization, with leanings toward atheism and apathy.
"We are more jeopardized now by the worldly attitudes and worldly thoughts — there's no sense of righteousness," he said. "And freedom, nowadays they think simply it is that you are free to do anything you want to do."
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Official travel site for the Czech Republic!
Article about church in Czech Republic - August, 1996
Kahlile Mehr, “Czech Saints: A Brighter Day,” Ensign, Aug 1994, 46
For decades, a small group of members in former Czechoslovakia clung to their faith until the Church came to them again.
Before 1990, Latter-day Saints in Czechoslovakia struggled to keep the flame of faith aglow amid the buffeting winds of war and communism. The story of their forty-year vigil and the remarkable events surrounding it is the story of the Czechoslovak Mission, for decades the lone outpost of the Church in Slavic Europe.
During the decade before World War II, 128 Czechs accepted the gospel and were baptized. During a three-year interval after World War II and following the collapse of Hitler’s empire, another 149 joined the Church. Remarkably, despite the rise of communism, the fledgling Czechoslovakian membership survived, severed from the free world, until the 1990 advent of new missionaries.
The story of the restored gospel in Czechoslovakia began when Elder Thomas Biesinger of Lehi, Utah, entered Europe in 1883 and served as a missionary under the supervision of Elder John Henry Smith, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve. In March 1884 he and Elder Paul Hammer of Salt Lake City arrived in Prague. Although public preaching was disallowed, in casual conversation they would test people’s interest in learning about a new religion. Elder Biesinger eventually baptized Antonín Just. 1
What turn-of-the-century Europe knew of the Church came primarily by rumors, which often curtailed LDS proselyting efforts. Several decades passed before the effect of the rumors subsided.
In the 1920s, the expansion of missionary work in Czechoslovakia was still limited by three factors: a sparse missionary force, the language barrier, and continuing civil opposition.
At about this time, in Utah, 83-year-old Thomas Biesinger, after expressing his desire to return to Czechoslovakia, was called on a mission to serve in that country. Arriving in Prague in February 1928, he visited police and government officials to request in behalf of the Church permission to preach the gospel. None of the officials opposed him, and Elder Biesinger reported that the way was open.
When Elder Biesinger was released after two and one-half months and no one was sent in his place, Sister Frantiska Vesela Brodilová (see sidebar) wrote to President Heber J. Grant asking him to send missionaries. That act of concern turned the key, and a locked door creaked open with the arrival of a tall, energetic, and engaging young man, Arthur Gaeth. Unlike the suspicion and opposition experienced by missionaries throughout Europe in the early part of the century, Elder Gaeth encountered nothing but friendliness. His journalistic bent and booming voice enabled him, within ten days, to arrange for two ten-minute radio talks to be read in Czech, to speak on German radio, to lecture at a German adult-education institution, and to write an article for a German-language newspaper. 2
Having established his bearings in the capital, Elder Gaeth visited other cities. Returning from Plzen, he saw a magnificent castle upon a hill. It was Karlstejn, built six hundred years previously by Charles IV of Bohemia. Elder Gaeth visited the site and found a nearby wooded knoll suitable for a significant, upcoming event in Church history: the dedication of Czechoslovakia for missionary work and the creation of a new mission.
In July 1929 President Widtsoe, Church leaders from Europe, and five missionaries from the German-Austrian and Swiss-German missions arrived in Prague. Early in the morning of July 24, they awoke to thunder and rain, but by the time they arrived at Karlstejn at 8:00 a.m., the sun had broken through the clouds. President Widtsoe offered the dedicatory prayer, announced the establishment of the first mission in Slavic Europe, and appointed Elder Gaeth as its president.
With the mission established, the missionaries set about their labors. Much of their activity focused on friendshipping through participation in community organizations and providing printed material. During the first two years of the mission, 250 articles, most of them written by the missionaries, appeared in Czech newspapers and journals. In October 1929 the mission published the first Czech-language tracts and obtained permission to distribute them.
Yet President Gaeth lacked one thing in order to function more fully as mission leader—a wife. President Widtsoe served as matchmaker, introducing President Gaeth in November 1929 to Martha Králícková. Martha’s father, a professor, had been a close associate of Thomas Masaryk, the president of Czechoslovakia. 3
President Gaeth baptized and married Martha in the spring of 1931. Sister Gaeth’s connections in Czech society allowed the newlyweds to become influential in Czech circles. They obtained a villa in a new section of Prague to serve as the mission home.
Church membership grew slowly at first. There were few missionaries; the economic hardship of the Depression years limited the number of missionaries serving in Czechoslovakia as it did elsewhere in the world.
In spite of the Depression and some prejudice, the mission made some progress. In February 1933, three thousand copies of the Book of Mormon in Czech came off the press. One hundred copies were sent to Czech libraries, and more copies were Christmas gifts to the country’s leaders. 4 Baptisms rose from fifteen in 1935 to thirty in 1936, the highest annual total before World War II. As membership increased, so did the opportunity to create branch leadership positions. In May 1933 the first branch presidency was organized at Prague. Josef Rohácek, the first native Czech man called to a leadership position in Czechoslovakia, served as first counselor. Other branches in Brno and Mladá Boleslav/Kosmonosy were established before World War II.
After ten years of missionary service—three in Germany and seven in Czechoslovakia—Arthur Gaeth was released. In 1936 Wallace Toronto began his service as the Czech mission president, beginning a 32-year term of service, longer than any other mission president in Church history.
President Toronto’s efforts to refocus missionary work and open new areas were boosted by the visit of President Heber J. Grant in July 1937. The 81-year-old prophet’s stamina amazed the young mission president. The visit resulted in the publication of forty articles in the local press, giving the Church better visibility in the nation. 5
The Church had established roots in Czechoslovakia in an era of peace, but a portent of change had occurred as early as 1933. As one missionary recorded: “Tracting was very difficult today. No one cared to listen to my message. Everyone wanted to talk about a man named Hitler who became Chancellor of Germany yesterday. They all seem to be extremely apprehensive of how this may affect Czechoslovakia.” 6The Czech mission began to suffer because the Czech people were preoccupied with political developments and had less time for religion.
As the portents of conflict increased, baptisms plummeted, and missionaries labored under increasingly discouraging circumstances. Eventually, the First Presidency, fearing for the safety of the missionaries, arranged for their departure to Switzerland. Concurrently, the Czech government banned all public meetings, and the mission closed in September 1938.
The Munich Pact, signed in September 1938, temporarily lessened the danger of war but ceded the Sudetenland to the Germans. In October President Toronto returned to Czechoslovakia with Elder Asael Moulton. President Toronto immediately revived branch activity, putting local leaders in charge of branches (Jaroslav Kotulan in Brno and Josef Roubícek in Prague) pending the return of the missionaries. By February 1939 the mission had translated and printed Elder James E. Talmage’s Articles of Faith, which would provide study material that President Toronto anticipated the members would need if the missionaries were evacuated again. 7
In March 1939 the German army swiftly occupied Czechoslovakia. Regular missionary activity again ceased.
Under the increasing burden of German control, the Prague Branch met to celebrate Mother’s Day in May 1939. The service was drawing to a close when the back door opened to reveal a young German naval officer in uniform. Anticipating the worst, the congregation froze. Hesitating but a moment, the officer smiled and walked down the center aisle to meet President Toronto. Then the officer explained to the group that he, too, was a member of the Church and had come to worship. The women expressed their relief in tears; the men nodded in approval. The officer bore his testimony not to the enemies of his country but to the friends of his religion. 8
In July the Gestapo arrested four missionaries; they lived on bread and water for forty days until President Toronto was able to negotiate their release.
On August 24 a cablegram from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City directed the few remaining missionaries to evacuate. The Toronto family left first, while President Toronto stayed behind a few days to arrange the departure of the full-time missionaries and conclude other mission affairs. He set apart 21-year-old Josef Roubícek to preside in his absence. In Denmark Elder Joseph Fielding Smith, then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, assured Sister Toronto that the war would not start until her husband and the missionaries were all safely evacuated. President Toronto found passage on the last train to leave before war engulfed Europe.
Six years passed. Josef Roubícek, the acting mission president during the war, knew the whereabouts of eighty-six members still in the country. Of this group, President Roubícek had written a few months earlier: “Their testimonies of the truthfulness of the gospel have not wavered even in the worst moments of this great conflict.” 9
During the war, President Roubícek sustained the faith and courage of the members amid privation, destruction, and fear. Each year, as a symbol of their ongoing commitment, a group of members visited the wooded knoll by Karlstejn, the site of Elder Widtsoe’s dedicatory prayer. In 1944 they erected a stone monument there, mutely announcing the intention of the mission to overcome any challenge to its existence. 10
The visit of Elder Ezra Taft Benson, then of the Quorum of the Twelve, to Czechoslovakia in March 1946 presaged the official return of the Church. He was pleased to find the Czech people cheerfully at work. The Church had been as resilient as the country. Ten baptisms had been performed during the war. When Elder Benson inquired at government offices about reopening the mission, he discovered that the Church had an excellent reputation and would be welcomed back. 11
On 28 June 1946, three missionaries reentered Czechoslovakia: Wallace Toronto (who had never been released as president), Victor Bell, and Heber Jacobs. The membership had waited seven long years for this reunion.
Church members had survived every hardship endured by their countrymen. Elfrieda (Frieda) Glasnerová Vanecková, a Jewish convert baptized at the time of Elder Widtsoe’s last visit to Czechoslovakia in 1932, represents that tenacity. She, her husband, and two sons spent two years in a concentration camp. Frieda was scheduled for execution on the day she was freed by the Americans. 12 President Toronto found her in the hospital, recovering from her ordeal. She wept with joy to see him. Eleven members of her extended family had perished at Auschwitz. Now she had been reunited with someone of her faith. Released from the hospital, she faithfully began paying her tithing and saw to it that her two sons were baptized. 13
In the spring of 1947, a year after his arrival in Czechoslovakia, President Toronto obtained suitable quarters for his family and rented a four-story villa to serve as the mission home. By October 1948 a steady stream of missionaries swelled the total proselyting force to thirty-nine.
Free Czechoslovakia did not survive long. A communist coup in February 1948 changed everything. Missionaries came under secret police surveillance. The police ordered the publication of the mission magazine, Novy Hlas, to cease. This hampered missionary work; the magazine had been a valuable missionary tool, with three thousand copies circulated, mostly to nonmembers. Church sermons were often censored, and by attending Church meetings, members risked losing their jobs and having their food rations reduced.
In 1949 the communist government began to restrict the missionaries. As government opposition increased, so did the rate of conversions. Baptisms rose from twenty-eight in 1948 to seventy in 1949. Among the new converts was seventeen-year-old Jiri Snederfler, who would later receive major responsibilities in mission leadership. There was unprecedented attendance at Church meetings.
Late in January 1950, two missionaries, Stanley Abbott and Alden Johnson, disappeared while attempting to visit a member living in a remote area. No word of their fate was received until eleven days later. They had been arrested for entering a restricted border zone and were accused of spying.
The communist authorities informed the United States Department of State that the two elders held in prison would be released if the other missionaries were evacuated. President Toronto had no alternative but to comply. Finally, word came that the imprisoned elders would be released if President Toronto could get them passage within two hours, which he managed to do. A Czech governmental decree liquidated the mission on 6 April 1950.
The decree could not eliminate the private faith and knowledge of the Church’s sundered membership. They knew—and the future would prove—that the decree was but a delay, though one that would last much longer than they expected.
For nearly fourteen years, the Czech membership kept their faith in silence, unable to worship publicly or to enjoy any type of regular contact with the Church beyond Czech borders. From his home in Utah, President Toronto continued to provide what assistance he could. When possible, he corresponded and sent financial aid, clothing, medicine, and Church publications. Ever persisting during the next fifteen years, he applied nine times and received nine refusals for a Czech visa.
It was not until 1964 that the official presence of the Church once again entered the nation. President John Russon of the Swiss Mission and Lynn Pettit, an early missionary in Czechoslovakia, arrived in Prague. Word of the visitors’ arrival spread, and a small group met at a member’s home for a celebratory testimony meeting. One sister requested a blessing for her heart condition and later reported having been completely healed.
Meanwhile, an even more momentous visit was in the offing. Member Marie Veselá was granted permission in 1964 to leave Czechoslovakia and visit her sister, Martha Roubícek, in Salt Lake City. Apprised of the visit, President David O. McKay advised Wallace Toronto to apply again for a visa, saying, “[The members] have been carrying on underground long enough. They need the authority of their mission president.” Within a week the Torontos received visas. 14 They visited members in Brno and Prague, renewing acquaintances and learning about the state of the Church.
In July 1965 President Toronto returned to Prague alone, intent on reestablishing the Church. Although he was well received by many governmental officials, his prominence had attracted the attention of the secret police, who arrested him. To his surprise, President Toronto was interrogated by the very man he had hoped to see. He presented his case. In answer, he was escorted to the German border—evicted from the country.
Mission growth would be suppressed for another twenty-five years before reemerging in a new epoch of freedom.
When the presidency of Wallace Toronto ended with his death in 1968, the Church’s tenuous contacts with the outside world continued. William South, a former missionary, and his wife, Jane Brodil South, were asked to help sustain the faith of Czech members (see sidebar). The Souths began visiting Czechoslovakia annually. This responsibility was assigned to Calvin McOmber, also a former missionary, and his wife, Frances Brodil McOmber, in 1977, when the health of President South began to fail. President McOmber continued in this post until his death in 1980.
In 1972 President Henry Burkhardt of the Germany Dresden Mission appointed Jiri Snederfler to begin reestablishing contact with all members in Czechoslovakia and to begin holding meetings there.
The easing of political boundaries permitted increasing contact between the Church outside Czechoslovakia and Czech membership of the Church. President Edwin Morrell of the Austria Vienna Mission reprinted the Czech Book of Mormon in 1984 and took the first volumes into the country. The renewed energy of a long-restrained Church began to manifest itself.
A Church member in Brno, Otakar Vojkuvka, taught the gospel in quiet ways. Young Olga Kovárová learned about the restored church and was baptized in 1982. She, in turn, taught gospel principles to others. Her member-missionary work resulted in forty-seven baptisms over the next eight years.
While much Church growth can be attributed to the efforts of Czech Church leaders and members, unseen forces were also at work. After the Freiberg Germany Temple was dedicated in 1985, the baptismal rate in Czechoslovakia jumped from several a year to twenty a year. This first temple in eastern Europe symbolized the emergence of the gospel into a world controlled by communism for forty years.
In 1985 Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve was appointed to oversee missionary work in eastern Europe. He visited Czechoslovakia each year to request legal recognition of the Church. Just as often, he was told that the request was still under study. 15
In May 1989 Czechoslovakia was still communist. Overcoming their reluctance to expose themselves to government authorities, Church leaders in the country submitted their own petition for recognition. The move was preceded by a year of fasting and prayer every third Sunday. At first there was no response. By the time the petition was resubmitted in November, the winds of change had begun to transform the communist world of the eastern bloc. The desired recognition came with the establishment of religious freedom for all faiths throughout the country in January 1990.
The document specifically recognizing the Church was received the following month. On 6 February 1990, Elder Nelson ascended the knoll by Karlstejn and offered a new prayer of dedication, reconfirming the prayer Elder Widtsoe offered six decades earlier.
After a forty-year absence, missionaries reentered Czechoslovakia in May 1990. The Church formally reestablished the Czechoslovakia Prague Mission (now the Czech Republic Prague Mission) on 1 July 1990. In June 1991, a great blessing occurred for the prestige and recognition of the Church in Czechoslovakia. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir came to Prague and sang in a historic opera house. Their concert was televised throughout the nation. A church once required to go underground for survival now was electronically acknowledged nationwide. This significant visit by the Choir helped firmly establish the Church as an important entity worthy of serious consideration by the Czech people.
After the mission’s first two years of operation, Czech membership reached 750, with 460 having joined since July 1990. During the same period, the missionary force grew from eight to sixty-four.
“Once the Czech people hear the gospel,” said Richard W. Winder who served as mission president from July 1990 to July 1993, “they become very interested and are very grateful for what they have learned.” Phil J. Bryson now serves as the mission president.
A majority of Czech converts are young, between the ages of eighteen and thirty. They are well educated and vibrant in their new faith. And there are the older members—those whose belief has survived decades of isolation and opposition. Together they are an enduring ensign of faith in a better future.
[photos] All background photos by FPG International
[photo] Otakar Vojkuvka helped keep the Czech Saints together during forty years of communist rule. (Photo by Peggy Jellinghausen.)
[photos] Above: Wallace F. Toronto (second from left) and Arthur Gaeth (third from left) on a trip to Russia in 1930. (Photo courtesy of LDS Church Archives.) Below: Anna Lukasova with Vernon L. Hill. Between Elder Hill’s two missions to the area, Sister Lukasova went forty-five years without Church contact. She saved her tithing faithfully during that period, as well as a photo of the young Elder Hill. (Photo by Janice Hill.)
[photos] Above: On Priest Hill near Karlstejn Castle, Elder John A. Widtsoe, president of the European Mission, dedicated Czechoslovakia for missionary work in July 1929. Oval photo: called as Czech mission president in 1936, Wallace F. Toronto held the position until his death in 1968. Below: In the public yoga classes that he taught, Otakar Vojkuvka, known to many as the “greatest missionary in the Czech Republic” (see photo, p. 46), expressed gospel ideas and philosophies that planted seeds for many conversions. The first missionaries to serve in the newly reopened country were soon able in 1990 to baptize several Czech converts. (Top to bottom: Photos courtesy of Robert J. Santholzer, Marion Miller, Eliska Schoenfeld Card, and Olga Kovárová Campora.)
[photos] Branch leader Petr Kasan with family. (Photo by Olga Kovárová Campora.) Below, from left to right: Karin Hermanska, Brno Branch, helped retranslate the Book of Mormon at age eighteen; missionary Edith Glauser served with her husband, Reed; and neurosurgeon Alice Novakova, Brno Branch, served in the Young Women program. (Photo by Edith and Reed Glauser.)
[photos] Educator Olga Kovárová Campora taught Judeo-Christian morals to her communism-weary students even before she found the Church in 1982. (Photo courtesy of Olga Kovárová Campora.) Bottom photo by Edith and Reed Glauser.
[photos] Above, left to right: Radovan Canek, counselor in the Prague Czech District; Joseph Podlipny, president of the Prague Czech District; and Gad Vojkuvka, son of Otakar Vojkuvka and counselor in the Brno Czech District, who baptized the other two brethren in the photo. Oval photo: An early convert whose living room served as the Church’s Czech headquarters for many years, Jiri Snederfler helped the Church in Czechoslovakia come out of hiding in 1972. Below, left to right: Of the thirty-six missionaries who served in the Czech mission between 1947 and 1950, nine have returned with their wives to serve as couple missionaries, including Gordon and Marjorie Larsen, Vernon and Janice Hill, Richard and Barbara Winder, and Reed and Edith Glauser. (Top to bottom: Photos by Craig Dimond, Richard Winder, and Edith and Reed Glauser.) Opposite page, below: Currently serving as Relief Society president in the Plzen Branch, Jaroslava Markova suffered during the communist rule but remained faithful to the Church. (Photo by Edith and Reed Glauser.)
1. Thomas Biesinger, “Experiences of Missionary Life,” typescript, ca. 1929, p. 5, LDS Archives; see also Stanley B. Kimball, “The Mormons in the Hapsburg Lands, 1841–1914,” Austrian History Yearbook, 9–10 (1973–74):151–54.
2. Arthur Gaeth, “Recalling How the Way Was Cleared for Formal Opening of Czech Mission,” Church News, 29 Feb. 1936, p. 8.
3. Arthur Gaeth, “Relating Czechoslovak Mission History at the German-Austrian Missionary Reunion, Oct. 2, 1981,” typescript, p. 1, LDS Archives; see also Sterling Beesley, interview by author, 5 Feb. 1990, Bountiful, Utah.
4. Manuscript History, Czechoslovak Mission (hereafter cited as MH), Historical Report, 20 June 1934.
6. Spencer L. Taggart, “Becoming a Missionary, 1931–1934,” typescript compilation of journal entries and letters, 1989, p. 31.
8. Martha Toronto Anderson, A Cherry Tree Behind the Iron Curtain (Salt Lake City: M. T. Anderson, 1977), pp. 19–21.
11. Ezra Taft and Flora Amussen Benson, Labor of Love: The 1946 European Mission of Ezra Taft Benson (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1989), pp. 68–70.