This past week has flown by. I do not know why for sure, but I have never had weeks melt away like they are doing now. I think part of it is that we have been rather busy this transfer and I have had quite a number of topics on my mind that require time for pondering and study. I feel amazing to be perfectly honest and am so glad that I can be here as a missionary. The Czech language is still an imposing force against us, but we are working and learning and improving.
I have been memorizing scriptures these past weeks and am pleased to report that I have succesfully met my goal and I have memorized one section of verses every day for the past eleven days with about four more to go. Then I can finally earn those tabs for my scriptures at mission conference. Even more so, however, I still know them, as I worked on each for a couple days after it was commited to memory. This has helped keep me busy too.
Elder Hicken and his companion, Elder Shumway, our wonderful Zone Leaders, came down to do an exchange with Elder Darrington and me last Wednesday. I worked with Elder Hicken and was greatly strengthened by his testimony and dedication to missionary work. I remember when I first met him; he was my companion in the MTC, a member of a little more than a year and full of faith and energy. He has astounded me that he has been able to keep up that level of faith and diligence, to a point that I ám tempted to be jealous. However, we are great friends and that exchange encouraged me to serve better and to dedicate myself to the work here.
We really are only working with one investigator at the moment, whose name is Milo. He is an older man who was found right before I came into the area. He has been reading the Book of Mormon and has not missed a day of church since he was found. He is working on following the Word of Wisdom and is a wonderful, quiet and humble man.
We were also glad to see a less active member named Zorro come to church yesterday. He loves church and has wanted to come for a long while, but lives too far away to come as the bus time are rather horrendous. However, we arranged with a member to go pick him up before church. He was so happy and for the next three hours bore his testimony about his love for church. It was wonderful to see such an example of love of church meetings and the Spirit.
I am looking foward to our Specialized Training this Friday and next Tuesday, Elder Pearson of the First Quorum of Seventy will be coming for a Mission Conference, as he is picking up his son at the end of his mission (in our mission here). That will be great, although having this surprise trip to Prague will likely put me more financially behind than I had planned, but it will even out next month.
By the way, I took out some money to buy a pair of slacks, as I only have one at the moment and I think I should have a pair I can wear while the other is being washed.
Love you.
I really have been having a wonderful time down here and love the country and the people.
Elder Schindler
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