First of all, Daniel, what on Earth are you doing? You sound like you are involved in everything. You are showing me up in a very good way (I was reading in Alma 29 today and I found a verse near the end when Alma says he is happy in the success of his friends). I guess I will need to start doing more push-ups every morning so that at least I can be bigger than you when I get a long, long time, by the way.
Weston, congrats on your job. That sounds like it will work well for you. I may even visit the Restaurace U Zlatých Oblouků/Kleneb, sometime this week to celebrate. I love you a lot and I want to hear all about the great things you are doing.
Andrew, sorry you had to be a pessimist in the play. It sounds like you ended it well though. [Andrew was a pessimistic cowboy in our Stake Roadshows!]
Christopher and Nicholas, you wrote me! (I just had to look for the exclamation point key). I am glad to hear from you and I hope that Nicholas is feeling better. I love you both a lot.
To mom and dad, thank you for writing me so diligently. I love your letters and cannot wait to hear from you every week. Please, continue to write.
Well, first of all, my suit died. The pants now both have holes in them that can be seen (if I am sitting, but I can still hide them, more or less). Plus since they have already been patched, I think the suit is gone. It lasted me six months though, so no complaining (this was the one I found in Třebíč). This means that I am more or less suitless, unless I absolutely have to wear one. On the other side though, it has been warm enough to go out without coats and jackets. Anyway, the point of this paragraph is to let you know, mom and dad, that my bank account might go down a little sometime in the near future. I will let you know what I end up doing.
So here is the miracle of the week. Elder Bown and I have had a goal to tract for one hour each day this transfer, with the faith that if we do so, we will be able to find families to teach. So last Sunday we went to an area of Zlín for two and a half hours and knocked/rang on 120 doors. We had a couple, rather flimsy "come back in a week" responses, but then we were just about finished, when we saw our bus coming to the nearby stop (note, buses do not run often on Weekends). But we still had one unit of six apartments left, so we decided to stay and finish. Then, on the third to last door, we were able to meet a family, explain why we were here, and set up a solid, concrete return appointment when the whole family could be home together (in two weeks, but we are really looking forward to it). Then we ran and caught the next bus and enjoyed scones cooked in sunflower oil for dinner, and callins snack (I fancy myself a rather good cook and these turned out okay).
We were also able to set up with a potential investigator named Marteta Kostelniková after a couple weeks. She is a very kind individual and works as a nurse at the hospital here in Zlín. She was very excited to receive a copy of the Book of Mormon and when we told her it was hers, for free, she looked liked one of the happiest people I have ever seen. That was a second cool miracle.
Also, miracle number three, Sister Štulerová is reading very well in the Book of Mormon. The other day she asked us why Lehi made a burnt offering. I did not catch that after years of reading in the Book of Mormon. She is feasting on the scriptures, as well as the Conference Ensign and the Gospel Principles manuel. She is great.
Well, I have to run. I love you all and wish you the best.
Elder Schindler
ps- Tell Zachary good luck from me and could you send me his address? [Joseph's cousin who is leaving in a few days for mission in the Phillipines!]
pps- sorry, no pictures today. Next week, I forgot my camera
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