[Dear family and friends, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentine's Day! Here is the letter we received today from Joseph. Thank you for your words of encouragement, your support and your prayers! If you have any note you would like me to send to Joseph, just hit reply -- and I will make sure he gets it! Joseph's editor - BWS]
I was glad to get a letter from evereryone, except for the people for whom I forgot which letters their names have. I really appreciated hearing from all of you. It sounds like Daniel had a good performance, and that Andrew has become a wonderful singer. I am looking forward to hearing a song from you sometime. I am also glad to hear that Mom got home safely [from SLC] and that the twins enjoy the new van. The DVD player [in the van] sounds really nice. Our landlord actually offered to give us a flatscreen TV a couple weeks ago, but knowing we would never use it, we declined. That will probable be the last time I do something like that [decline receiving a free TV], unless it happens again on my mission.
I am excited to hear that Weston is doing Institute. [There is a new religion class that is being taught at SVSU.] That should be a great experience for him.
I have a funny story for you. Today a man stopped us on the square and started to talk to us about heaven, a priest and so forth, and I thought he had a question about the doctorine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I initially had a difficult time understading him. At least until I realized he was telling me a joke. Something about the pearly gates, St. Peter, a priest and a bus full of people (I think there were also a few deaths). That realization [that it was a joke] was very helpful. He was a very friendly man, if I was caught off guard a little.
I forgot to say last week, but I received the letter from Grandpa and Grandma, as well as the conference Ensign [church magazine] that you sent dad. I enjoyed reading the notes you sent, as well as hearing all about the exploits of Colten and Alex in Mexico and Italy. How is Craig doing? I have not heard a lot about him, or from him recently. I also got the Valentine's day card from the Ward young women. I think it scared my companion a bit [I'm not sure why], but it was a good note. Thank you.
Well, this week went really well. We had a Zone conference last Thursday and I was on Exchanges down here in Zlín with Elder Tall, so I had a rather eventful week. The conference was really good and President Irwin really wants us to be "go-getters" and to get the work that we are doing going. I have really grown to love President and Sister Irwin. They are amazing people.
Well my biggest thing to report is that Sister Štulerová is getting baptized this week. I think I have spoken about her before, but if not, now I have. We have been teaching her for most of the transfer and she is doing fantastically well. She is very willing to live the commandments and the entire branch here is very excited for Saturday. We still have a couple things that we will be going over, but everything looks like it is set and ready to go. She is an amazing lady and has really fallen in love with the gospel. I really felt like we did not teach her anything. Every lesson felt more like we were just going over things to make sure she understood them (which she does). We are all looking forward to her baptism.
If you could send me any photos of me or my brothers, and parents too, I would like that. I only have a few and I would really like some more. Mail them or e-mail them, but for now, please just get them to me. I would really like that.
Well, thank you so much. I love you so much. I hope I am working like and being the missionary you think I am. I am totally lost with our Scripture reading together, so I think I am just going to start over with the introduction and testimonies at the beginning of the Book. I can change though later. Daniel said in his letter that he really felt blessed by our Father in Heaven this last week. I know that is true. He knows us and loves us so much and I know that he will assist us when we need his help.
S laskou,
Elder Schindler
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