[Dear family and friends, this is the letter we received today from Joseph. I hope you enjoy it! For most of us who are bracing for the BIG STORM of the season -- BEST WISHES! Joseph's editor - BWS]
I am writing you from Prague today. I went up to Olomouc last night and then rode an early train here so that I can renew my visa and stay for another year or so. [Hopefully not more than another year! BWS] Prague is very pretty. I really think Prague is my favorite city that I have served in. Whenever I come back, I always feel like I am coming home (in a good way, not a bad, distracting way). I came over with my zone leaders, Elder Tall and Elder Weser, as well as Elder Peterson (not my old companion) who live in Olomouc, Olomouc, and Ostrava, respectively. Elder Tall, Elder Peterson and I were all in the same group, so we will be renewing our visas today. Elder Weser will go and eat at TGI Fridays.
It was funny last night. Elder Tall had a large jar of Jiff peanut butter at his apartment and I used some for a dinner last night. It tasted way better than the peanut butter here, even the expensive Skippy brand. I am not saying that you should send me a large jar of Jiff, but I am saying that if you did, I would not complain. At all. Although, please do not send me more candy. I really do not need that. I think I made myself a little sick around Christmas time.
Eva Štulerová is still doing amazingly well. She has been moving and will be moving this week, so we have not had a lot of time to meet with her. She also does not really want us to help her move. That mentality seems rather prevalent here. We still try though.
We had three hours of Church yesterday. Sacrament meeting and then Sunday School lasted for an hour and forty minutes. I like Brother Gaba a lot, he just likes to talk...and talk...and talk. Great man though. He gave Elder Bown and me chocolate that has alcohol as one of the ingredients. It was likely cooked off, but we really are not all that sure.
Our apartment looks great. The new paint job really makes it look good, and since we had to move all of the furniture before they started painting, we were able to rearrange the rooms. I think it looks neater and cleaner. Now we are just working on cleaning out the closet of junk. Missionaries have left a lot of things for us, some of which is rather filthy.
I did end up going to the Doctor last week. I feel all the way better by now; I got some medicine and that helped out a bunch. I will go back for a check up in a couple days. Everything looks good though.
My pants are starting to wear out again. I think I can get them fixed again for about five dollars, but I am not sure. The other ones that match the suit coat should last for still a while. I think I can at least make it to summer before any of the wear starts to be noticeable (do not worry Mom, all of my clothes look good. You can only tell that they are worn when you look on the insides (insert smilely face)).
Elder Bown and I are doing fairly well. He is not really one for pranks or silly behavior, so little satisfaction is gotten from locking him outside. He just reminds me that he has keys too and that he does not react to things like that (note: This was done at a glass door. We could both see and hear one another).
On a miscellaneous note: I found cottage cheese...finally. I really have not been looking all that hard, but I finally found out what it looks like and where to buy it. However, I still do not know the name for it in Czech because it just said Cottage Cheese in English on the container. Oh well. It still tastes as amazing as I remembered it.
Well, that is about all that is new with me. I actually almost ran out of money last month, for the first time on my mission. I think it was all the McDonalds runs. However, we got new money, which is great because a train to Prague costs about twenty dollars one way. Not too bad though, I can fairly easily work it into the budget at this point.
Love you all,
Elder Schindler
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